The Four-Day Week Challenge

Divertidísimo artículo que recomiendo leer a todos aquellos que por H o por V terminan con una pila enorme de trabajo sin terminar, esa enfermante e interminable TODO List.

The problem

If you’re like most people, you’ve got too much to do and not enough time to do it. The e-mail inbox is always overflowing and the list of to-dos never ends. You always feel that twinge of guilt because you’re never spending quite enough time on what you should be. What’s even more frustrating is that the more you work, the more it seems there is to do. Argh!

So how do we manage the madness?

Por el momento yo no me largo a practicarlo, no al menos hasta que termine con lo que tengo que hacer :P.

A list apart: The Four-Day Week Challenge.


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