MAX_FILE_SIZE es erroneo.

MAX_FILE_SIZE erroneous (Bug #40387).

and equivalent locations in other formats, it is stated
that browsers take the value of a MAX_FILE_SIZE form field into

This information is repeated elsewhere on the web and in books, but
appears to originate from the PHP documentation (it does not appear in
terms of other server-side technologies).

There is nothing in any of the HTML, HTTP or related specs to indicate
that this is the case (in particular RFC 1867 which introduced file
uploads to HTML doesn't mention it, so it isn't even a case of a kludge
that was mentioned in the first RFC and then dropped) nor does it make
sense in the context of the HTML specs (there is nothing to indicate any
relationship between that particular hidden input and the file input).
The only statements about hidden fields I could find in any of them was
warnings in the security considerations sections against user-agents
basing any file-related operations on anything mentioned in a hidden

No browsers appear to perform this as an "extension". Indeed given that
there are potentially other possible meanings for a hidden field with
that name in an application handling several file uploads, it would have
to be considered a design flaw any any did.

I submit that there is no such mechanism in mainstream browsers (if any
at all) and indeed shouldn't be. Reference to it should be dropped from

I'd further suggest that since this idea has propagated from this
documentation elsewhere that a note about it not working should to be

If a mechanism is required or desired for more rapidly handling this
sort of file handling issue then it requires functionality to allow PHP
to intercept streams being uploaded before request completion, which
would be completely different to how this documentation suggest it
should be dealt with, even if it was true.

Clarification on the MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden form field.

Clarification on the MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden form field:

PHP has the somewhat strange feature of checking multiple "maximum file sizes".

The two widely known limits are the php.ini settings "post_max_size" and "upload_max_size", which in combination impose a hard limit on the maximum amount of data that can be received.

In addition to this PHP somehow got implemented a soft limit feature. It checks the existance of a form field names "max_file_size" (upper case is also OK), which should contain an integer with the maximum number of bytes allowed. If the uploaded file is bigger than the integer in this field, PHP disallows this upload and presents an error code in the $_FILES-Array.

The PHP documentation also makes (or made - see bug #40387 - vague references to "allows browsers to check the file size before uploading". This, however, is not true and has never been. Up til today there has never been a RFC proposing the usage of such named form field, nor has there been a browser actually checking its existance or content, or preventing anything. The PHP documentation implies that a browser may alert the user that his upload is too big - this is simply wrong.

Please note that using this PHP feature is not a good idea. A form field can easily be changed by the client. If you have to check the size of a file, do it conventionally within your script, using a script-defined integer, not an arbitrary number you got from the HTTP client (which always must be mistrusted from a security standpoint).


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